Clinical trial to evaluate the addon effect of Vimlapana Karma in Dushta Vrana w.s.r. to Varicose Ulcer: A Randomised Controlled Trial

  • Vanishree Tuppad Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of PG & Phd Studies in Shalyatantra, Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
  • Shilpa PN Professor, Dept. of PG & Phd Studies in Shalyatantra, Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Dushta Vrana, Vimlapana Karma, Jalaukavacharana, Saptopakrama, Chronic wounds, Non-healing ulcer


Dushta Vrana, associated with delayed healing and correlated with varicose ulcers, arises from venous insufficiency. According to Sushrut Samhita, Ayurvedic treatments like Vimlapana Karma and Jalaukavacharana are emphasized for their wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, while Saptopakrama and Shasti Upakrama address Vrana Shopha and Vrana. This study explores the additive effect of Vimlapana Karma on the standard treatment of Jalaukavacharana for Dushta Vrana. Forty patients with Dushta Vrana were randomly assigned to two groups: Group A received wound dressing and Jalaukavacharana, while Group B received Vimlapana Karma and Jalaukavacharana, both over 21 days. Both Group A (Jalaukavacharana) and Group B (Vimlapana Karma with Jalaukavacharana) showed statistically significant improvements (p < 0.001) in ulcer size, edges, exudate, surrounding skin color, and granulation tissue formation. Combining Jalaukavacharana with Vimlapana Karma significantly enhanced wound healing and accelerated recovery in Dushta Vrana (varicose ulcers).


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.12.3
Published: 2025-02-26
How to Cite
Vanishree Tuppad, & Shilpa PN. (2025). Clinical trial to evaluate the addon effect of Vimlapana Karma in Dushta Vrana w.s.r. to Varicose Ulcer: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(12), 16 -27.
Original Article