To evaluate the efficacy of Agnikarma after Siravyadhana in Pain Management of Gridhrasi w.s.r. to Sciatica: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Gridhrasi, a Vataj Nanatmaja Vyadhi, is characterized by pain (Ruka), pricking sensation (Toda), stiffness (Stambha), and twitching (Muhuspandana) that radiate from the Sphika up to the Pada. This condition corresponds to sciatica in modern medicine. Acharya Shodhala in Gadanigraha recommends Agnikarma as an additional therapy if Siravyadhana alone fails to relieve the pain. Although both treatments are effective individually, their combined efficacy has not been explored. A study was conducted with 40 patients randomly divided into two groups of 20 each at SJGAUH Hospital. In Group A, Siravyadhana was performed at 4 Angula above or below Janusandhi using an 18G needle. In Group B, Siravyadhana followed by Ruksha Agnikarma (Bindu Akriti) at the Padakanisthika region using a Panchadhatu Shalaka. Treatment outcomes were evaluated based on parameters recorded before and after the interventions. The results showed significant improvement in both groups, but Group B demonstrated faster recovery, fewer recurrences, and more complete relief compared to Group A. Thus, the combination of Siravyadhana and Agnikarma provides an added advantage in managing Gridhrasi, offering faster and sustained relief, and aligns with Atyayika Chikitsasutra.
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