An Ayurvedic management of Gridhrasi w.s.r. to Sciatica: A Case Study
Gridhrasi is a disease that mostly impairs a patient's ability to move around, something that is emphasized in the name. The afflicted leg of Gridhrasi illness is believed to have an unusual throwing motion as that of gait of Vulture. Acharya Charaka has described Nanatmaja and Samanayaja Vatavyadhi. Gridhrasi comes under both as it is caused by Vata (Nanatmaja) as well as Kaphanubandhi Vata (Samanayaja). Based on its sites of manifestations and the symptoms, Gridhrasi is comparable to Sciatica in contemporary medicine. The lifetime incidence of this condition is estimated to be between 13% and 40%. Case: Present case study deals with a female patient 45 years old suffering from pain with tingling sensation in lower back region radiating to the posterior aspect of left lower limb for 6 months. On taking a detailed history and doing proper examinations patient was found to have Vata-Kaphaja Gridhrasi. Treatment protocol: Patient was given Hingwashtak Churna, Karaskar Vati, Sahacharadi Kashaya followed by Panchakarma therapies like Shankar Sweda, Virechana, Basti, Agnikarma and Siravedha. Results: After treatment, on symptomatic assessment and examinations, stiffness, tingling sensation and pain on pressure completely resolved with overall quality of life of patient was significantly enhanced. Conclusion: With proper Panchakarma therapies, drug interventions and diet control Gridhrasi can be managed successfully.
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