A case study of Ayurvedic management of Ankylosing Spondylitis w.s.r. to Prabruddha Amavata
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a rheumatic disease with various skeletal & extra-skeletal manifestation which belongs to a group of rheumatic disease known as spondyloarthropathies (SPA) which shows a strong association with genetic marker HLAB27. It is an inflammatory disorder of unknown aetiology characterised by prominent inflammation of spinal joints & adjacent structures leading to progressive & ascending body fusion of the spine. Inflammatory back pain & & stiffness are prominent features in the disease, whereas chronic aggressive condition/stage, there may be production of marked axial mobility or deformity along with pain. From the Ayurvedic perspective, Ankylosing spondylitis can fall under Prabruddha Amavata which may be effectively managed when intervention is started in its early stage. There is no specific satisfactory treatment in modern science for this disease. Few Ayurvedic medications, are found to be effective in the management of AS. Here a case of AS managed by Ayurvedic treatment approaches has presented. A criterion Assessment was based on BASFI index of total 2 both before & after treatment. Abhadya Churna, Panchatiktaka Ghrita Guggulu, Mahasudarshana Ghana Vati were used during treatment. Patient has showed good improvement on BASFI.
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