Therapeutic approaches and clinical outcomes in Ayurvedic management of Ekakushtha (Psoriasis) : A Case Report
Background: Ekakushtha, a type of Kshudra Kushtha attributed to Vata and Kapha Dosha imbalance, shares clinical similarities with psoriasis - a chronic, non-communicable condition causing significant morbidity and negatively impacting the quality of life. Methods: A 64-years-old male presented with pruritic, dry, scaly lesions progressing to thick, erythematous patches across the abdomen, diagnosed as Ekakushtha at the OPD of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurved Hospital, Vadodara. The therapeutic approach involved oral ingestion of Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu, Triphala Guggulu, Gandhaka Rasayana, and morning administration of a combination of Amalaki, Guduchi and Haridra Swarasa, alongside the local application of Gandhaka Malahara. The patient's response was assessed over eight weeks using the Auspitz sign, PASI score, symptom improvement, and patient-reported outcomes. Results: Significant reduction in inflammation, itching, and scaling was observed, with substantial lesion improvement noted. The treatment regimen, administered for eight weeks with four weeks of follow-up, was well-tolerated without adverse effects. He was observed for twenty-four weeks after follow-up and no recurrence has been observed. Conclusion: This case study demonstrates effective management of Ekakushtha using Ayurvedic therapies including Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu, Triphala Guggulu, Gandhaka Rasayana, and Gandhaka Malahara, resulting in marked clinical improvement and no recurrence at twenty-four weeks post-treatment. Thus, it can be concluded that Ayurvedic treatments seem to be effective options in the management of Ekakushtha.
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