Ayurvedic management of Trigeminal Neuralgia - A Case Study
Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a neuropathic pain syndrome which is characterized by unilateral lancinating facial pain. TN is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve. Attacks of pain are usually triggered by touch, a cold wind or while eating. TN leads disability and poor quality of life, even when patients are taking conventionally treatments. Case: A 43 years old male consulted my clinic, with the complains of sudden pain like electric shock on left side of the head, cheek and mandible which gets aggravated on touch. MRI was done which was suggestive of patient suffering with Trigeminal Neuralgia. In the present case report patient was considered suffering from Anantvata and was treated with oral medications like Ekangveer Rasa, Mahavatavidhvansa Rasa, Ashwagandha Churna, Lashun Ksheerapaka, Dashamoola Kwatha with Ghrita and Nasya. The treatment continued for 4 months. As per the results, we can say that the cases of TN can be successfully treated with Ayurvedic treatment and no surgical intervention is needed.
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