Assessing the efficacy of Nagarjunabhra Rasa with 21 Bhavna in the management of First-Degree AV Block and Bradycardia: A Comprehensive Case Study
First-degree AV block features a P-R interval over 0.2 seconds, often indicating early AV nodal disease. While it can be benign, especially in individuals with high vagal tone, fibrotic changes are common in older adults. A case study involving a patient with first-degree AV block and a 2.34-second sinus pause treated with Nagarjunabhra Rasa (Arjuna bark’s decoction) showed promising results. Administered as one 125 mg tablet twice daily for three months, the treatment normalized heart rate and eliminated sinus pauses without adverse effects. This suggests the formulation's potential efficacy, warranting further study in larger populations.
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