Overview of Sthaulya (Obesity) management In Ayurveda
Globally, there is a greater correlation between overweight and obesity and mortality than underweight. An epidemic-like chronic health issue that affects people all around the world is obesity. Over 135 million people in India suffered from obesity. In Sthaulya, a Dushya dominant condition, there is an excess of Medodhatu production due to Medodhatvagni Mandya, which leads to obesity. One of the main diseases of the modern period is obesity. According to the World Health Organisation, obesity is one of the most ignored public health issues that impact people of all ages worldwide. The primary causes of obesity include sedentary lifestyles, increased fast food consumption, and decreased physical activity. In Ayurveda, numerous Acharyas have described Sthaulya (Obesity), which is attributed to Santarpanajanya Vyadhi.[1] Numerous medicinal preparations, medications, including Pathya-Apathya, Dinacharya, Yogasana, and are detailed in Ayurvedic texts and have been shown to significantly reduce and prevent this worldwide problem. An attempt has been made to examine obesity from both an Ayurvedic and a modern perspective, as well as to determine whether Ayurveda offers any plausible remedies for obesity. This article sheds light on the classification, etiopathology of Sthaulya, including its signs and symptoms, therapeutic care using medication, and preventive measures like Nidan Parivarjan, Pathya-Apathya, and Dinacharya, Apatarpan Chikitsa etc. should be done.
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