Role of Manthana Samskara in the preparation of Khajitha Pinda Taila
The term "Bhaishajya" denotes "drug" or "medicine," whereas "Kalpana" pertains to "preparation." Bhaishajya Kalpana encompasses the application of various medicinal substances and adheres to specific principles outlined in ancient Ayurvedic scriptures. This discipline is divided into two primary principles: Aushadha Nirmana (the Principle of Formulation) and Aushadha Prayoga (the Principle of Therapeutic Application). A thorough understanding of these core concepts is vital for effective research and development in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. Sneha Kalpana is one among those preparations derived from the basic Kalpanas prepared using either Ghritha or Taila. The transformation of properties into the Sneha Dravya is made possible by the use of various Samskaras. Manthana Samskara is believed to help in the proper mixing of two substances and also imbibe Sheeta Guna to the formulation. It is considered to give a homogenous mixture thereby improving the product’s stability to a greater extent. Pinda Taila is one such Yoga mentioned in our classics for the relief of Daha and Shoola developed in Vatarakta after subjecting it to Khajita Samskara/Manthana Samskara.
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