Effect of Ayurvedic medicine in the management of Mukhpaka: A Case Study
Introduction: Stomatitis is common problem faced by all persons. The illness that spreads across the mouth is called Mukhapaka, or stomatitis. It is an irritation of the mucous membranes on the tongue, cheeks, lips, throat. It may seem like a small issue, but it interferes with day-to-day tasks. Foods that are hot, spicy, and oily; smoking; chewing tobacco; some medicines; infections; low vitamin B12 levels; and more can all cause stomatitis. Main symptoms, Important clinical finding: The four varieties of Mukhapaka mentioned by Ayurveda those are Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, and Raktaja. As Acharya Charak says in Chikitsa 15th, Combining Aam and Pitta results in Pittajvikar such as burning sensation, excessive thirst, fever, oral cavity disease, and hyperacidity. The main diagnoses, therapeutic interventions and outcome: Here, we are receiving Sama Pittaj Lakshan. for this pathogenesis Deepan, Pachan, Ropan, Anuloman, and other remedies like Gandoosh, Kaval are given. Here, even Ayurvedic medicine didn't relieve the problems and made them worse because the Dosh Dushya Gunas weren't properly examined. One of the most crucial aspects of treatment is Amshansh Kalpana of Dosha; by approaching the situation in this manner, quick results can be achieved. Although Stomatitis can be treated with painkillers, mouthwashes, lotions, corticosteroids, and vitamin B12 in allopathy. Conclusion: Today, the world looks to Ayurveda for its invaluable help in treating any illness. With little adverse effects, one can apply Ayurveda medicine to relieve both main and secondary disease symptoms.
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