Comparative Clinical study of Jatyadi Taila and Jatyadi Ghrita in the management of Dushta Vrana
Dushta Vrana is a common and frequently encountered problem faced in surgical practice. The presence of Dushta Vrana worsens the condition of the patient with different complications and may become fatal. Local factors on wound like slough, infection and foreign body, affect the normal process of healing. A healthy wound in a normal body heals earlier with a minimum scar as compared to a contaminated wound. Therefore in this study all the efforts are made to make a Dushta Vrana into a Shuddha Vrana. Once the Vrana becomes Shuddha, Ropana of the Vrana will start. The objective of the study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Jatyadi Taila and Jatyadi Ghrita in Dushta Vrana. Clinically diagnosed 60 Patients of Dushta Vrana were randomly divided into two groups, each consisting of 30 Patients. Group A were treated with the Jatyadi Taila and Group B was treated by Jatyadi Ghrita. The results observed was based on the relief obtained on the subjective and objective parameters taken for consideration for this study viz, size of ulcer, discharge, smell, pain, burning sensation, itching and granulation were found significant (P<0.05). On the basis of assessment criteria and overall result of treatment, the patients of Jatyadi Taila group showed better results when compared to Jatyadi Ghrita group. Even though statistically there is no much significant difference between the two groups, but by seeing the effect on individual parameters (subjective and objective) and over all response, Jatyadi Taila seems to be effective when compared to Jatyadi Ghrita. It is having more Ropana qualities when compared to Shodhana.
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