Studies on genesis of Prameha from Amajirna w.s.r. to biochemical parameters

  • Hardik Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Roga Nidana evum Vikriti Vigyana, Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research at Shyamadas Vaidya Shastra Pith Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  • Apala Sengupta Professor & HOD, Department of Roga Nidana evum Vikriti Vigyana, Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research at Shyamadas Vaidya Shastra Pith Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  • Chinky Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi, Indiasor & HOD, Department of Roga Nidana evum Vikriti Vigyana, Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research at Shyamadas Vaidya Shastra Pith Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Keywords: Prameha, Amajirna, Musta, Pippali


Background: In classical text it had been highlighted that Amajirna is root cause to produce Prameha. Musta is drug which combat Amajirna and it also effective to cure Prameha. So, this gives reasons for need of the present study and also reason for selection of topic. Aim: To evaluate the pathogenesis of Prameha from Amajirna and the efficacy of Musta (Cyperous rotundus) in both Amajirna and Prameha. Material and Methods: This study is an open label, randomized, interventional, comparative, prospective, controlled clinical trial. In the present study the patient of Prameha were enrolled following the subjective criteria of Prameha. A total of 60 patients of Prameha were selected from the OPD and IPD of Shyamadas Vaidya Shastra Pith Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, and randomly allocated with a computerized randomization method into two groups. Those selected patients were subjected for a confirmatory biochemical analysis of FBS and PPBS. The prediabetic person was interrogated for Amajirna as a past history or present illness, by the subjective criteria of Amajirna. In group A (n= 30), Musta Churna was given for 90 days and in group B (n= 30), Pippali Churna was given for 90 days. Before treatment and after treatment data FBS, PPBS, HBA1C, SGOT, SGPT, serum amylase, serum lipase and alkaline phosphatase enzyme levels were recorded for statistical analysis. This record of assessment was taken at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days. Wilcoxon signed rank test; unpaired t-test were applied. Result: Both groups showed statistically significant (p<0.05) improvement in chief complaints of Prameha, Amajirna, FBS, PPBS, HBA1C, SGOT, SGPT, serum amylase, serum lipase and alkaline phosphatase. Conclusion: On percentage wise comparison, better relief was found in Group-A i.e., Musta Churna was found to be more effective in all the subjective and objective parameters than Group-B (Pippali Churna).


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.11.10
Published: 2025-02-03
How to Cite
Hardik, Apala Sengupta, & Chinky. (2025). Studies on genesis of Prameha from Amajirna w.s.r. to biochemical parameters. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(11), 64 - 76.
Original Article