Role of Nitya Virechan and Shaman Aushadhi in Dadru Kushtha w.r.t. Tinia Corporis - A Case Study
Ayurveda have been classified all the skin diseases under the broad heading of ‘Kushta’ which were sub classified into Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta. Hetu (Causative factors) of Dadru Kushta involves Vishamashana (Incompatible food), Vegavidharana (suppression of natural urges), Diwaswapa (daytime sleeping), intake of Atilavana, Atitikshnaahar (excessive salty or spicy food), intake of contaminated food, drinking cold water just after physical work or Atapsevana (exposure to sunlight). Lakshanas of Dadru include Kandu (Itching), Utsanna (elevated circular lesions), Mandala (Circular Patches), Raaga (Erythema), and Pidakas (Papule). The Samprapti of Dadru mainly involves vitiation of Pitta-kapha Doshas and Dushti of rasa and Raktavaha Strotas. A 56 year old male patient, came to OPD with the complaints of reddish circular patch on chest and back with sever itching and burning sensation since last 3 months. After examination patient was diagnosed as case of Dadru Kushth and was treated with Ayurvedic management protocol i.e., Abyantar Snehan with Nitya Virechan, Shaman Aushdhi and Bahirparimarjan Chikitsa for 1 month and was taken follow up after 14days. Dietary restriction was advised to avoid spicy and junk food along with personal hygiene to be maintained. After complete treatment of 1 month patient was assessed with parameter like raga (redness), Kandu (itching), Daha (burning sensation), and Utsana Mandal on a grade from 0 to 3 and there was significant improvement was noted. From this case study it can be concluded that use of Nitya Virechan with Snehapan with Panchatikta Ghruta and Shaman Aushdhi along with Bahya Chikitsa can treat Dadru Kushta.
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