The Link between Udakavaha Srotas and Trishna Roga: A Comprehensive Study
According to Ayurveda, "Srotas" are passageways that help materials move throughout the body. These passageways are necessary for carrying nutrients, waste products, and other key components that keep physiological functions functioning Udakavaha Srotas specifically manages water transportation and regulation, playing a crucial role in hydration and fluid balance. These channels, rooted in the Talu (hard palate) and Kloma (possibly the right lung), can dysfunction due to dietary, emotional, and lifestyle factors, leading to symptoms like mouth dryness and persistent thirst. This dysfunction is linked to the imbalance of Vata and Pitta Doshas. Trishna Roga, characterized by excessive thirst, is closely associated with Udakavaha Srotas vitiation. The severity of Trishna Roga correlates with the extent of disruption in these water-carrying channels. Understanding Udakavaha Srotas is vital for comprehending the pathogenesis and treatment of Trishna Roga, highlighting the importance of maintaining these channels for overall health and wellness in Ayurvedic practice.
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