Experimental Study of Manjistha root (Rubia cordifolia Linn.) w.s.r. to Anti-Diabetic Activity

  • Dr. Ankita Patil Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Dravya Guna, BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Hospital & Research Centre, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India.
  • Dr. Shashidhar Naik Professor & Head, Dept. of Dravya Guna, BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Hospital & Research Centre, Vijayapur, Karnataka, INDIA.
  • Dr. Darshan N. Dhari Associate Professor, Dept. of Dravya Guna, BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Hospital & Research Centre, Vijayapur, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Manjistha, Rubiacordifolia, Experimental Study, Anti-Hyperglycemic Activity


Manjistha is well known for its various activities, one of which is Pramehagna (Anti-Diabetic) activity. The Manjistha was collected from market and its authenticity was approved by its organoleptic characters and is used for present study. The sample was processed and it’s alcoholic and aqueous extracts were prepared. Then the drug was subjected to experimental study on albino rats. Study was carried out to assess the anti-diabetic activity. Results showed that there is significant reduction in sugar level which indicates that both aqueous and alcoholic extracts do possess significant antihyperglycemic activity as compared to Metformin (Standard drug), which could be due to antioxidants and flavonoids present in it. The variations in above said analysis make it very interesting and important to analyse the expected Anti-microbial and immune modulatory activity of Manjistha root.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v3i03.406
Published: 2018-06-30
How to Cite
Dr. Ankita Patil, Dr. Shashidhar Naik, & Dr. Darshan N. Dhari. (2018). Experimental Study of Manjistha root (Rubia cordifolia Linn.) w.s.r. to Anti-Diabetic Activity. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 3(03), 95-99. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v3i03.406
Original Article