Importance of Kudhanya Varga w.s.r. to Millet and its nutritional as well as therapeutic value in lifestyle disorder
Lifestyle diseases are characterized by the daily faulty regimen regarding eating and living habits. The main factors contributing life style diseases included bad food habits like bakery products, junk food Physical inactivity due to westernization of life style which creates obesity, Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Ayurveda is science of management of disease via medicinal herbal and mineral drugs along with prevention of lifestyle disease through adequate Diet. In various Samhita, Ahara Dravya is classified into many subdivisions in which Kudhanya (Trin Dhanya) is a group of small seeded cereals used as human food since ages. Kudhanya Varga is compared with Nurti-cereals as Millets. Method: Kudhanya description has been collected from Samhita and Nighantu along with their synonyms, properties, and action in various Lifestyle disorders. Result: Kudhanya Varga possess Madhur-Kashaya Rasa, Katu Vipaka, Ushna Virya and are Kapha Shamaka and Vata-Pitta Prakopaka. Due to its Bruhaniya property it is useful in malnutrition, on contrary due to its Laghu, Ruksha Guna, Vilekhana Karma which can be used in obesity. Conclusion: Thus, it is high need fighting with nutritional deficiency to convert our nutritional value of Kudhanya (Millets) as supplements and disease combating agents.
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