Upanaha Sveda and its modification - A Critical Review
A fired building is best saved by pouring water , in the same way tropical problems are successfully managed by tropical treatment rather than systemic treatment. Upanaha is an ideal tropical treatment. Pradeha, Sankara/Panda Sveda, Bandhana are three varieties of Upanaha. It helps in reducing Vata Dosha, Sheeta (coldness), Shoola (pain), Sthambha (stiffness), Gouravatha (heaviness). It induces sweating and brings Doshavilayana. Sveda helps in Gatravinamana (increase the flexibility of body). Upanaha an Ayurvedic tropical treatment needs to evolve or adapt according to time so that it is easy to practice without changing its efficacy. Here an effort made to bring some modification in Upanaha.
Ashtanga hridaya of Vagbhata, Sootra sthana; Svedavidhinama adhyaya: chapter 17, Verse 3. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy, 1982. 253.
Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Sootra sthana; Svedha adyaya: chapter 14, Verse 35. 4th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 1994. 89.
Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Sootra sthana; Svedha adyaya : chapter 14 Verse 37. 4th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 1994. 89.
Susruta samhitha of Susruta, Chikitsasthana; Svedavacharaneeyam Chikistitaadyaya : chapter 32, Verse 12. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy, 1980. 513.
Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Sootra sthana; Svedhaadyaya : chapter 14, Verse 64. 4th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 1994. 92.
Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Sootra sthana; Svedhaadyaya :chapter 14, Verse 38. 4th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 1994. 89.
Ashtanga hridaya of Vagbhata, Sootra sthana; Svedavidhinama adhyaya: chapter 17, Verse 4-5. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy, 1982. 254.
Susruta samhitha of Susruta, Chikitsasthana; Svedavacharaneeyam Chikistitaadyaya : chapter 32, Verse 21-22. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy, 1980. 514.
Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Siddhisthana; Dhirganjivitiya adhyaya : chapter 1, Verse 7. 4th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 1994. 678.
Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Sootra sthana; Svedha adyaya: chapter 14, Verse 4. 4th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 1994. 87.
Astanga Hrudaya of Vagbhatacharya, Sootrastana; Svedavidhinamaadhyaya: chapter17 verse 2,3. Varanasi: ChoukhambaSamskrutasamsthana, 2010; P 253
Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Sootrasthana; Svedha adyaya : chapter 14 verse 5. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan,1994; 87
Sushruta samhitha of Sushruta, Chikitsastana; Svedavacharaneeyam Chikistitaadyaya: chapter 32 verse 22. Varanasi: Choukhamba samskruta samsthana, 2012; 514.
Sushruta samhitha of Sushruta, Chikitsasthana; Svedavacharaneeyam Chikistitaadyaya : chapter 32 verse 14. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy, 1980; 514.
Sushruta samhitha of Sushruta, chikitsastana; dwivrineeya chikistita adyaya: chapter 1 verse15,16. Varanasi: Choukhamba samskruta samsthana, 2012; 398.
Astanga Hrudaya of Vagbhatacharya, Sootrastana; Doshopakraneeyam adyaya: chapter 13 verse 2. Varanasi: Choukhamba Samskruta samsthana, 2010; 211
Sushruta samhitha of Sushruta, Sharirasthana; Dhamanaivyakarna: chapter 9 verse 9. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy, 1980; 385. (Krishnadas Ayurveda series 51).
Sushruta samhitha of Sushruta, Sootrasthana; Vranalepana bandhana vidhi adhyaya : chapter 18 verse 4. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy, 1980; 85.
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