Pilonidal Sinus : Management through Guggulu Apamarga Ksharasutra
Nowadays Pilonidal Sinus (PNS) is becoming common disease in between 20-30 years of age, in men and mostly dense hairy persons. Commonly it occurs midline over the coccyx. It results in purulent discharge, pain and discomfort. In Ayurvedic practice, there are many surgeons who are practicing classical Ksharasutra management to treat PNS, which is very effective but there are some problems using classical Ksharasutra in the management of PNS, such as discomfort, burning sensation, itching and irritation due to Snuhi-ksheera. So to overcome these problems Guggulu Apamarga Ksharasutra has been used, which is very effective in curing PNS and has no complications. So patients can do their daily routine work without any pain or discomfort.
K. Rajgopal Shenoy, Manipal manual of surgery 2nd edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, Reprint 2007, page no-532
Acharya Susrurut, Sushrut Samhita, Ayurveda TaatvaSandipika Hindi commentary, edited by Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Vranasi, edition, reprint 2010 chikitsasthan 7th chapter shalok no.30-33.
Ayurved Sar Sangarh, Shri Baidhnath Ayurved Bhawan Limited, Sanskaran-2014, Page no-594
Ayurved Sar Sangarh by Shri Baidhnath Ayurved Bhawan Limited, Sanskaran-2014, Page no-782
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