A Review Article on management of Pain through Charakokta Vedanasthapaka Mahakashaya
Ayurveda classical texts provide unique treatment modalities and medication for the disease conditions. In Charaka Samhita classifications are made based on Karmas called as Mahakashaya and these are classified into 50 groups. Vedanasthapana Dashemani is one such group which is said to be more effective in curing the aliments of pain. Pain can be described as any physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. No matter however mild the pain is anywhere in the body it lands you in a state of discomfort and affects your day today activities. The greatest disadvantage in Ayurveda is lack of use of effective analgesic in Ayurvedic medicines. Hence there is a constant quest for an ideal ayurvedic analgesic therapy that means Vedanasthapana Upaya. A holistic approach toward herbal drugs can reduce the cost and complications associated with important opioid and nonopioid drug usage and dosage. Thus, in this paper, an effort has been taken to shed some light on conceptual part of Vedanasthapana drugs and their use in pain management.
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