A Case Study on Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and its Ayurvedic Management
Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a leading cause of blindness with no known cure. Management of the disease focuses on lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) with current classes of drugs likes prostaglandins analogs, beta blocker, alpha-agonists and carbonic anhydrate inhibitors. These treatments may not help all the patients. Some patients continued to experience deterioration in the optic nerve even though their IOP’s are within normal range. Considering which options from basic pathophysiology can play a significant role in the management of this disease. In this case study, Ayurvedic treatment was done. A female patient of 56 years visited Shalakya Netra OPD complaining of both distance and near vision since 8 months. She was diagnosed case of POAG since 4 years. She was given Deepana, Pachana, Sadyovirechana, 2 sittings of Tarpana, Putapaka, Nasya, Jaloukacharana, Anjana, Agnikarma along with Shamanoushadis. There was improvement in visual acuity in both eyes along with significant reduction of intra-occular pressure. Visual field analysis showed improvement in retinal sensitivity. Thus it can be concluded that Ayurvedic approach is helpful in giving a complimentary treatment protocol for primary open angle glaucoma.
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