Critical Review on Beeja Doshaj Pandu Roga in Bala Roga w.s.r. to Thalassemia
Thalassemia syndromes are most common single gene disorder in the world and represent a major health burden worldwide. It is a heterogeneous disorder recessively inherited resulting from various mutations of the genes which code for globin chains of Hb leading to reduced or absent synthesis of globin chains. In Ayurveda, Aacharya Charaka described Beeja Dushti Janya Vikaara. He explained that specific Avayava would be Vikrita, if Doshas vitiate specific Beeja or Beejabhaaga. Scientists are working to remove excess iron in order to prevent or delay iron overload which is achieved by prolonging blood transfusion interval and searching effective, orally administrable, economical iron chelators to combat the Thalassemia. In Ayurveda Raktashodhana, Raktaprasaadana, Shonitasthaapana, Rasayana, Balya and Varnya properties decrease the rapid destruction of RBCs and thus prolonging the Life span of RBCs which increases the interval of blood transfusion. All these factors increase the expectancy of good life of Thalassemic patients.
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