A Clinical Study on the efficacy of Laksha Choorna Pratisarana and Tila Taila Kavala in the control of Danta Sharkara

  • Dr. Sahana S. Shetty Associate Professor, Dept. of Shalakya Tantra, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, INDIA.
  • Dr. Suja K. Sreedhar Professor and HOD, Post Graduate Department of Shalakya Tantra, Ashwini Ayurveda Medical College, Tumakuru, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Danta Sharkara, Dental Calculus, Scaling, Laksha Choorna Pratisarana, Tilataila Kavala


Introduction: Danta Sharkara (Dental Calculus) is one among the Danta Rogas (Diseases of Tooth) characterized by, hardened accumulation of Mala (dirt) on tooth surface which destroys the teeth and its surrounding structures. It can be compared to Dental calculus, which is a calcified mass that forms on and adheres to the surface of teeth causing periodontal diseases. Modern approach of treatment is Scaling and Root planing. Ultrasonic scalers are used widely by the dentists, which is more efficient method, but it has certain drawbacks. Long term use of mouth washes and dentifrices also have shown adverse effects. Considering these drawbacks in modern dentistry present study was taken up to evaluate the efficacy of local therapeutic procedure mentioned in our classics for calculus removal and its control. Materials and Methods: 40 patients were selected and randomly divided into Group A and B consisting of 20 patients each. Group A was treated by Lakshachoorna Pratisarana (rubbing lac) with Madhu (honey) after Scaling followed by Tilataila Kavala (gargle with gingelly oil) for a period of 3 months. Group B was treated by Ultrasonic Scaling followed by Chlorhexidine mouth wash for a period of 3 months. Result: In the present study, It was found that Group A showed better improvement in calculus index and lesser recurrence rate.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v4i02.589
Published: 2019-04-30
How to Cite
Dr. Sahana S. Shetty, & Dr. Suja K. Sreedhar. (2019). A Clinical Study on the efficacy of Laksha Choorna Pratisarana and Tila Taila Kavala in the control of Danta Sharkara. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 4(02), 24-33. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v4i02.589
Original Article