Ayurvedic perspective of water, its pollution and purification
According to Ayurveda water is considered as one among the Panchamahabhootas and Prana/life of the entire universe. The 5000 year old classics, of India like Sushruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita have analyzed the issues related to water its pollution, causes, effects, its impacts on the body and universe, and the measures to purify the polluted water and also the prevention of water pollution. Even several thousands of years before, the great sages of India had envisaged the issue of water pollution, its hazardous effect on health, community and environment and the measures to purify them. A lion share of these organic methods of purification still remains virgin to the field of researches. A combination of one or more of these measures when applied in a systematic manner can sometimes be more effective than the most advanced chemical methods of purification. For that this holistic science and its treasures are to be explored and unveiled to its best.
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