Ardha Roga Hari Nidra - A Review Article
Nidra being one among the Trayopasthambha having its own importance in maintainance of health and prevention of diseases. Nidra is prime among the factors responsible for sustainance of life. Proper sleep can destroy half the diseases. One who gets sound sleep at night his Kayagni will be enhanced, can easily digest the food, and his body gets nourished. Like proper diet, proper and timely sleep as well as awakening are responsible factors for good physical and mental health. Tamas and Satva qualities are responsible for sleep and awakening respectively. Sleep is an urge which should not be suppressed otherwise may lead to various diseases. Ratriswabhava Prabhava Nidra is a natural sleep, is called as Bhutadhatri and nourishes all living beings.
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