ICP-OES Analysis of Samanya and Vishesha Shodhita Loha
Rasashastra is a science which deals with metals and minerals and their therapeutic effects. These can cause hazardous effects if not purified. Purificatory procedures can be generally classified into two, namely – Samanya Shodhana and Vishesha Shodhana. In this study, reference from Rasatarangini was adopted for Samanya and Vishesha Shodhana of Loha. The Analysis of Raw sample of iron, Samanya Shoditha Loha and Vishesha shoditha Loha was done to analyse the difference physically and chemically by ICP-OES method. The discussions are made on the Shodhana procedures and results obtained with giving probable reasons. From Samanya and Vishesha Shodhana of Loha it is evident that the particle size was reducing drastically after each procedure making it more brittle and fine. There were many changes observed from the raw sample of Loha to the Vishesha shodhita Loha physically and analytically. Thus we can adopt Samanya Shodhana, Vishesha Shodhana or together depending on the requirement.
Shastri kashinath (ed) Rasatarangini of Sadananda Sharma,ED/11th, Mothilal banarasidas: Varanasi ,2004; pg no.362
Shastri kashinath (ed) Rasatarangini of Sadananda Sharma,ED/11th, Mothilal banarasidas: Varanasi ,2004; pg no.464
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