An open label single arm prospective clinical study on Vatagajankusha Rasa with Pippali Churna and Manjishta Kwatha as Anupana in Pakshaghata (CVA due to Infarct)
Background: Pakshaghata is one among the 80 vataja nanatmaja vikara and is a roga of madhyama roga marga. Vatavyadhi is considered to be one among the ashta mahagadas. Vatagajankusha rasa is a combination of vyosha, bhasmas, vatsanabha, karkatasringi, haritaki etc. It has vatakaphahara, vikasi, vyavayi, rasayana etc properties. It is said to be effective in treating pakshaghata in 7 days if given along with Pippali churna and Manjishta kwatha. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Vatagajankusha rasa with Pippali churna and Manjishta kwatha as anupana in the management of pakshaghata (CVA due to infarct). Methodology: Among 32 registered patients, 30 completed the course of treatment. They were administered with Vatagajankusha rasa 1 tablet (125 mg) after food with anupana 3gm Pippali churna and 15 ml Manjishta kwatha twice daily (morning and evening) for a period of 7 days. Nominal & ordinal data were analysed using non parametric tests like McNemar and Wilcoxon’s signed rank tests respectively. Result: There was statistically significant improvement in the primary and secondary outcome measures (p<0.05 was observed). Conclusion: Vatagajankusha rasa with Pippali churna and Manjishta kwatha as anupana is effective in the management of Pakshaghata (CVA due to infarct).
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