A physiological study of Bhrajaka Pitta and clinical view of Shwitra Kusthari Rasa and Shashilekha Vati in Shwitra Roga
Background: Ayurveda defines human body as a hospitable homestasis of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. The equilibrium of Dhatu is health. Any disturbance in their equilibrium leads to disease. In the present scenario, people are very much conscious about their health as well as beautiful and clear skin. Thus health and beauty are two faces of single coin. Moreover a person who is physically healthy and is personified by beauty is much more intelligent and confident them a normal being. Discoloration of skin without perceiving pain is exclusive character of Shwitra (Vitiligo) Roga. Aim: To study the treatment principle in management of Shwitra (vitiligo) according to Ayurveda. Methodology: 60 clinically diagnosed cases of Switra (Vitiligo) were divided into 2 groups and treated with Shwitra Kusthari Rasa 250mg in Group A and Shashilekha Vati 250mg in Group B. Bakuchi Taila local application on the affected patches was done in both the groups for 90 days. Discussion: Therefore it can be concluded that Shwitra Kusthari Rasa, Shashilekha Vati and Bakuchi Taila both are potent and effective for the management of Shwitra Roga vis-a-vis Vitiligo.
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