Critical review of Surgical treatment of Mutrashmari according to Sushruta
The Mutravaha Samsthana (Urinary system) is meant for the formation and excretion of Mutra. Mutravaha stroto dushti causes Mutrakricchra, Mutraghata, Mutrashmari etc. Mutrashmari is one of the most common and distressing maladies among the group of urinary disorders. Acharya Sushruta, the pioneer in the art and science of surgery has described widely and comprehensively about the Mutrashmari with its classification, symptomatology, aetiology, pathology, complications and its management. This is the proof for the depth of knowledge of the Acharyas on the subject of urinary disorders as a whole. Ashmari is mentioned as one of Ashta Mahagadas, so it requires great attention for its cure. early detected Ashmari can be treated with medicines because of its recent origin and small size, while an Ashmari of long-time origin is difficult to cure and large Ashmari is also an indication for surgical treatment (Shalya Chikitsa).
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