Evaluation of Anti-epileptic activity of Unmad Gaja Kesari Rasa II in Animal Models
Apasmara can be correlated with epilepsy, In Ayurveda, Unmada Gaja Kesari Ras II is advocated in the treatment of Apasmara. Present study was done to evaluate Antiepileptic activity of UGK II a herbo-mineral drug. In Electro shock model total 24 albino mice were classified into 4 groups each group containing 6 mice. Human dose was extrapolated with extrapolating factor 0.0026 & drug dose was given to control, standard, test x and 2x group. The duration of tonic hind limb extension (THLE) and mortality was observed for duration of 15min. The complete inhibition of THLE was considered as positive criteria. In PTZ induce convulsion model total 24 albino mice were classified into 4 groups each group containing 6 mice. Human dose was extrapolated with extrapolating factor 0.0026 and drug dose was given to control, standard, test x and 2x group. The time required for clonic convulsion, incidence and mortality was observed for duration of 30 mins. UGK II at 2 drug dose level proves equally effective to standard drug Phenytoin to abolish THLE. UGK II at 2 drug dose level is effective when compare to control group and Sodium valproate prove effective to reduce onset of time of convulsion when compare to test drug.
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