A comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Ashwagandha Ghrita on Growth and Development of Infants
Introduction: Growth and development are unique characteristics of children. Growth is defined as an increase in the size of an individual due to increase in number and size of the cells, where development refers to qualitative and quantitative changes and acquisition of a variety of competencies for functioning optimally in a social milieu. The present study has been planned to evaluate the effect of Ashwagandhaghrita on physical growth and development of infants. Aims & objectives: To study the efficacy of Ashwagandha Ghrita on Growth and development of infants, in terms of change occurred in anthropometry and milestones during the study period. Materials & methods: The study was conducted on 40 healthy infants for a period of 12 weeks and a case performa was filled with the data obtained by interrogation, physical examination and collection of details of each child. Results: Ashwagandha Ghrita showed better effect on physical growth in terms of increment in weight, head circumference, chest circumference, mid arm circumference, crown to heel length as well as early significant achievement of developmental milestones compared to control group. Conclusion: Ashwagandha Ghrita has proved to be beneficial on Growth and Development of infants.
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