Clinical Study of Chakramardadi Pralepa in the management of Dadru Kushta
Background: Skin is the largest organ of human body. Its size and external location makes it susceptible to a wide variety of disorders. In recent years there has been increase in incidence of skin problem due to various reasons like Poverty, Poor sanitation, Unhygienic condition, Pollution etc. Dadru is one among Kushta Roga affecting all the age of population. It is Kapha-Pitta Pradhan Vyadhi and presents clinically with the features of Kandu, Raga, Pidika, Daha, Rookshata, Udgata Mandala etc. and can be correlated with Tinea infection. Management of Dadru includes Shodhana, Shaman and Bahiparimarjan Chikitsa. Chakramarda is a wild crop grows in most part of India and it is known as Ringworm plant. So here in this study Chakramadadi Pralepa was used to evaluate the efficacy in Dadru.
Sushruta Samhita Nidan 5/8,5/3 5/30
Ashtanga Hridaya Nidansthan Adhyaya 14/4-5 ,chikitsa 19/85.
Madhavnidan uttartantra Kusthanidan 49/17-22
Sharangadhar Samhita uttarkhanda 11/51-53 ,
Chakradatta chikitsa 50/23
Harrison Principal of Internal Medicine.
Davidson’s Principal and Practice of medicine. Sir Stanley Davidson.
Essential of Medical Pharmacology. K.D.Tripathi.
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