Comparative clinical study of Nagradya Churna and Bhunimbadya Churna in management of Grahani w.s.r. to Irritable bowel syndrome
Grahani Dosha is vitiation of Agni i.e. functional derangement of Grahani regarding production of Pachaka Pitta (enzymes responsible for digestion) and also holding (Grahana) of Ama (food) for digestion. Grahani in Ayurveda is called as Pittadhara kala which is the seat of Agni responsible for digestion of food and situated above Nabhi. The part of small intestine and large intestine lying between Amashaya and Pakwashaya should be considered as Grahani. This part is also described as the sole site of Pitta. Various disorders of GI tract like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be considered under heading of Grahani Roga. Both the formulations Nagradya Churna and Bhunimbadya churna are highly effective, promote appetite, digestion and remove Ama Dosha from the system by increasing the power of Agni. Madhu is Yogabahi and it helps to initiate the absorption through intestine properly. Total 40 patients of Grahani were registered and randomly divided into 2 groups for clinical trial of 45days. Result of the study revealed that both the formulations produced significant results in almost all cases barring a few patients who were suffering from longer period.
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