Systemic review of Swarna Vanga in Ayurvedic classics - A Kupipakva Rasayana
The word ‘Rasa Shastra’ comprises of two words: ‘Rasa’ and ‘Shastra.’ Rasa stands for ‘Mercury’ while Shastra stands for ‘Science.’ Therefore ‘Rasa Shastra’ literally stands for ‘Science of Mercury’ However this specialised branch of Ayurveda has a broad range of study. It deals with all the metals, minerals, mercury and other substances known as Rasa Dravayas. Swarna vanga is prepared as per reference of Rasa Tarangini Vanga (Tin), Parada (Mercury), Gandhak (Sulphur), Navasadara (Ammonium Chloride) and Kalmi Shora (Potassium Nitrate). Swarna Vanga is a type of Kupipakwa Rasayanas, indicated mainly in diseases such as Madhumeha (diabetes mellitus), Swasa (respiratory disorders), Pradara (menorrhagia), and as a Vrishya (aphrodisiac) and this is the product of complex chemical processes in which preparation of Kajjali and heating pattern plays most important role.
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