Management of complex fistula-in-ano by IFTAK technique - A Case Report
Bhagandara is included in one among Ashtamahagada in Sushruta Samhita. Ksharasutra concept has been explained for the treatment of Nadivrana and Bhagandara. Ksharasutra is a medicated thread which helps in cutting as well as drainage of fistulous tract. Although, it is a gold standard technique but in spite of having many benefits it has some drawbacks like long duration of treatment, mild to moderate pain, discomfort after. However, IFTAK or BHU technique is designed to minimize the duration of treatment with minimal post operative scar mark. A 38 years male patient came to Shalya OPD with complaints of pus discharge from perianal region. After local examination, he was diagnosed as a case of Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano). The patient was treated with IFTAK technique and he was completely cured after 7 weeks with no complications. This technique was found to be very beneficial for the patients having complex fistula-in-ano.
Sushuruta Samhita, Shri Dalhana & Gayadasa hindi commentary, Dr.K.K. Thakral. Su.Su.33/4. Chowkhambha Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi, 2016. Page no.360
Sahu, M.A manual on fistula-in-ano & Ksharasutra therapy published by NRI, deptt. Of Shalya Tantra IMS, BHU, 1st edition, 2015
Sahu, M.A manual on fistula-in-ano & Ksharasutra therapy published by NRI, deptt. Of Shalya Tantra IMS,BHU,1st edition, 2015 chapter 9 page no 132-133
Bailey & Love’s short practice of surgery, edited by Norman S. Williams, Christopher J.K. Bulstrode, P.Ronan O’ Connell,Hodder Arnold publication, 25th edition, Annus & Anal Canal, Fistula-in-ano,1262.
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