Case Study on the management of Psoriasis in Ayurveda through Takradhara, Virechana and internal medication
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, widely present across globe. The similar clinical condition is described in Ayureda thousand of years ago called Ek Kustha.[1] Many patients of Psoraisis have been treated by various approaches of Ayurveda like Medicine and Virchana, Vamana and Medicine etc. Psoriasis is a Psycho-somatic disease where excess lesion lead to distress. Virechana and Medication is already an established mode of treatment in Ayurveda[2], here we have added Takradhara to diminish aggravation, irritation and pain of lesion and also to combat with distressful condition. The present case shows remarkable results in Psorasis by combination of Takradhara, Virechana and internal medications.
Charak Chikitsa Sthan Chapter 7, Staynarayan Shastri, Chaukhambha Publication, Varanasi
National Psoriasis Foundation, America.
Charaka Chikitsa Sthana, Chapter 7, Satyanarayan Shastri, Chaukhambha Publication, Varanasi
Process and product standardization of 777 oil used for psoriasis in siddha medicine by Muzaffer Alam, B Rukmani, T Anandan .
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