A randomized clinical study to evaluate the effect of Saptachakra in management of Madhumeha w.s.r. to type 2 diabetes mellitus
Background: Non-communicable diseases are posing major health and development threats. The Worldwide, approximately 200 million people currently have type 2 DM, a prevalence that has been predicted to increase to 366 million by 2030. Diabetes Mellitus comprises a group of common metabolic disorders that share the phenotype of hyperglycemia, with an increase incidence worldwide. The Indian subcontinent has a higher prevalence of DM than any other region in the world, and two to three times the reported prevalence in western countries. Recent surveys say that diabetes is affecting 10-16% of urban population. The disease Madhumeha described in Ayurveda bears close resemblance to Diabetes Mellitus. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of Saptachakra Choorna in the management of Madhumeha w.s.r. to type 2 DM and to compare it with drug taken in the control group. Materials and Method: In the present study, two groups were taken each comprising of 20 patients who fulfilled the diagnostic and inclusion criteria. Subjects of group A were administered Saptachakra Choorna 6gms twice daily and subjects of group B were administered tablet Metformin 500 mg one tablet twice daily, both before food and for a period of 45 days. Observation and Results: In the present study, majority of the symptoms showed clinically significant improvement by Saptachakra Choorna and metformin 500 mg, however it was not statistically significant. In the glycemic parameters like FBS, PPBS, FUS and PPUS within the group administered Saptachakra Choorna 6 gms only FBS and PPBS showed significant improvement where as parameters like FUS and PPUS there was no much improvement and within the group administered tablet Metformin 500 mg significant improvement in all the parameters were observed. On comparing the results between the two groups, the group administered tablet Metformin 500 mg showed a better result than the group administered Saptachakra Choorna. Conclusion: By seeing overall improvement and applying Chi Square Test, tablet Metformin 500 mg showed a better result than Saptachakra Choorna.
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