A review on Charakokta Shukrajanana Mahakashaya
According to Ayurveda the Sharir (human body) is made of seven dhatus i.e rasa (fliud), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscles), meda (fat), asthi (bones), majja (marrow) and shukra (semen). Shukra dhatu is the 7th and the last dhatu made in the body. Hence, we can say shukra dhatu is sara (essence) of all the dhatus, it is well spreaded all through the body. The shukra dhatu according to modern concept can be understood as the sexual power, the ejaculation, the erectile strength, the quality of sperms, the semen or we can say overall reproductive strength of the person. The action of Shukra dhatu in the human body is regeneration of species. Any vitiation in the Shukra dhatu affects this action. Thus, hampering the progeny. Nowadays, due to lifestyle as well occupational hazards Shukra dhatu gets affected. Acharya Charaka has described “Shukrajanana mahakashaya” in the Sutrasthana 4th adhyaya. It is compilation of 10 drugs which helps in generation of Shukra dhatu and also helps in maintaining the product Shukra dhatu stage in the body. Many factors are involved in the generation of Shukra dhatu. Individual drugs out of 10 acts on various factors realated to Shukra dhatu. As per the causative factors, the Vaidya may adjust the dose of drugs of Shukrajanana mahakashaya and prescribe to the patient. In this article, identification and action of these drugs will be compiled and presented. On the basis of literature obtained, conclusion we be drawn.
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