Role of Bahir-Parimarjana in Cosmeto Toxic Tvacha Vikara
Cosmetics are defined as any particles intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or function. In the present era there are many companies which are manufacturing various kind of cream’s, lotion’s, ointment’s, gels, powder, etc. To give an immediate and early effects on the skin, they are generally mixtures of chemical compounds; some being derived from natural sources and some being synthetics. Many companies use various chemical toxins as an ingredient to nurture and attract the population. Leading to various side effects on skin. So there is an ugly side to these beauty products as well. Hence there is need to think and establish a good approach to treat their side effects or to prevent the same. In our classics there are explanations about the effect of toxic cosmetics such as Visha Yuktha Anjana, Abhyanga, Lepa, Udvartana and so on with their management. The Lakshanas which are explained can be used to ascertain its hazardous effect and their specific management can be adopted accordingly.
Vagbhata, Astanga Sangraha with the commentaries of Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta and Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri, edited by Pt.Bhishag acharya Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya, Chaukhambha Orientalia; Varanasi, Reprint:2014, Sutra Sthana, Chapter:8, verse 34, 35 Pp:556, Page no: 76
Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita with the Nibandhasangraha commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya and Nyayachandrikapaanjika of Sri Gayadasacharya on Nidana Sthana edited by Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji acharya and Narayan Ram Acharya ‘Kavyatirtha; Chaukhambha Orietalia, Varanasi, Reprint: 2015, Kalapa Sthana, Chapter: 1, verse 37,38 38 Pp : 738, Page no: 561
Vagbhata, Astanga Sangraha with the commentaries of Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta and Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri, edited by Pt. Bhishag acharya Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya, Chaukhambha Orientalia; Varanasi, Reprint:2014,Sutra Sthana, Chapter:8, verse 46,47 Pp:556, Page no: 77
Vagbhata, Astanga Sangraha with the commentaries of Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta and Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri, edited by Pt.Bhishag acharya Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya, Chaukhambha Orientalia;Varanasi, Reprint:2014, Sutra Sthana, Chapter:8, verse 51,52, Pp:556, Page no: 78
Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita with the Nibandha sangraha commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya and Nyayachandrikapaanjika of Sri Gayadasacharya on Nidana Sthana edited by Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji acharya and Narayan Ram Acharya ‘Kavyatirtha; Chaukhambha Orietalia, Varanasi, Reprint: 2015, Kalapa Sthana, Chapter: 1 , verse 36 Pp : 738, Page no: 561
Vagbhata, Astanga Sangraha with the commentaries of Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta and Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri,edited by Pt.Bhishag acharya Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya, Chaukhambha Orientalia; Varanasi, Reprint:2014,Sutra Sthana, Chapter:8, verse 38,39 Pp:556, Page no: 77
Vagbhata, Astanga Sangraha with the commentaries of Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta and Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri,edited by Pt. Bhishag acharya Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya, Chaukhambha Orientalia; Varanasi, Reprint:2014,Sutra Sthana,Chapter:8, verse 42 Pp:556, Page no: 77
Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita with the Nibandhasangraha commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya nd Nyayachandrikapaanjika of Sri Gayadasacharya on Nidana Sthana edited by Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji acharya and Narayan Ram Acharya ‘Kavyatirtha; Chaukhambha Orietalia, Varanasi, Reprint: 2015, Kalapa Sthana, Chapter: 9 , verse 8-9 Pp : 738, Page no: 385
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