Concept of Vasantha Ritucharya - An Overview
Ayurveda - The science of life has always reflected in two different of plains as “Swasthasya Swastha Rakshanam Athurasaya Vikara Prasamanam”.[1] It is well known that Ayurveda gives first priority to the preventive aspects and thus attains its first aim that is Swasthya Rakshana. Hence, when the main aim remains to be Swasthya Rakshana it in turn means homeostasis of Doshas, Dhatu and Mala. This can be only achieved by following proper Dinacharya, Rithucharya and Ratricharya. It is very essential to get accustomed to each Ritus as they are plenty of changes that are happening around the nature during each Ritu. To maintain the proper homeostasis in body it is inevitable to follow the Pathya and Apathya, Ahara-Viahara in each Ritu. All Acharyas have uniquely described regarding the same in Samhithas. Vasantha Rutu (March 15-May 15) comes under the Adanakala constituting of Chaithra and Vaishaka Masa.
Agnivesa, Caraka Samhith; P. V. Sharma (ed); Sutrasthana, Tasayasheetiyam Adhyaya, verse 06, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi;2008;pp43
Agnivesa, Caraka Samhith; P. V Sharma (ed); Sutrasthana, Tasayasheetiyam Adhyaya, verse 04, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi;2008;pp42.
Agnivesa, Caraka Samhith; P. V Sharma (ed); Sutrasthana, Tasayasheetiyam Adhyaya, verse 24, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi;2008;pp44
Agnivesa, Caraka Samhith; P. V Sharma (ed); Sutrasthana, Tasayasheetiyam Adhyaya, verse 04, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi;2008;pp42.
Agnivesa, Caraka Samhith; P. V Sharma (ed); Sutrasthana, Tasayasheetiyam Adhyaya, verse 08, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi;2008;pp43
Agnivesa, Caraka Samhith; P. V Sharma (ed); Sutrasthana, Tasayasheetiyam Adhyaya, verse 22-26, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi;2008;pp44-45
Susrutha, G.D Singhal (ed). Susrutha Samhitha, Uttaratantra, Swasthavrita Adhyaya, Delhi: Chaukambha Sanskrit Prathistan;2015;pp.425
Vagbhatta, Ashtanga Hridhaya; Pt Hari Sadasivasastri pradarakara; Suthrasthana Rithucharya Adhyaya, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi,2011;pp43
Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakasha; Srikanta murthy (ed)., Dinacharyadhi Prakaranam Adhyaya. Chowkambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi. 2004;pp 123
Susrutha, G.D Singhal (ed). Susrutha Samhitha, Sutrasthana, Rithucharya Adhyaya, Delhi: Chaukambha Sanskrit Prathishtan;2015;pp.425
Susrutha, G.D Singhal (ed). Susrutha Samhitha, Uttaratantra, Swasthavrita Adhyaya, Delhi: Chaukambha Sanskrit Prathistan;2015;pp.425
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