A compendious study on Santarpanotta Vikara vis-a-vis to metabolic diseases
Ayurveda the science which deals with healthy lifestyle, health promotion and sustenance along with disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment. As health is multifactorial and complex. It is influenced by a no. of factors, In which lifestyle has a significant influence on physical and mental health of human being. In recent decades, life style is a common influencing factor on health. According to WHO, 60% of related factors to individual health and quality of life are correlated to life style. Millions of people follow an unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, they encounter illness, disability and even death. Problems like Metabolic disorders, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypertension, Overweight, Joints and skeletal problems, Violence and so on can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. The relationship of lifestyle and health should be highly considered. These all disorders are categorized in mainly two concepts those are Santarpanotta Vikara and Apatarpanotta Vikara. The Santarpana Rogas can be compared with Metabolic disorders. This includes almost all the disease arise by Over nourishment or Impairment in the metabolism. Those are Prameha, Pandu, Atistholya, Kushta etc. At the same time Santarpana and Apatarpana are the two important treatment modalities (Upakrama), which helps to cure diseases. Santarpana i.e., nourishing, enriching Chikitsa is recommended in the Apatarpanajanya Vyadhis and the Apatarpana i.e., depleting, cleansing Chikitsa is recommended in the Santarpanajanya Vyadhis. Thus for Santarpanajanya Vyadhis like Medoroga, Prameha, Pandu etc. Apatarpana (Langhana) is considered as the best treatment modality. Here is an attempt made to understanding of Santarpanavikara with Metabolic diseases and its treatment.
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Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, by Vaidya H.C.Kushwaha Edited with Ayurveda deepika Hindi commentary, 2nd volume, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi. 2016 Chikitsasthana Chapter no. 6 shloka no. 49 page no. 192
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