Study of Kshetra a Garbha Sambhava Samagri w.s.r. to Stree Vandhyatwa
Aim: To know the basic concept of Garbha Sambhava Samagri in relation with Ayurveda and Modern point of view for the achievement of healthy progeny. Objectives: The study include the review and evaluation of Kshetra a Garbha Samagri on modern point of view, along with clinical significance of Samagri. Material and Methods: From the Ayurvedic and modern texts and clinical study by observations on 30 diagnosed female infertility patients. Kshetra is the very important causative factors to have the healthy progeny. If any structural or functional abnormality of Kshetra occurs then it leads to difficulty in fertilization, implantation and even development of fetus and finally infertility. The results of this study are that the uterine changes are more compared with the other causes. Conclusion: After this study Kshetra can be related with all the structural entities of female reproductive system by the observations done.
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