An overview on Manuscriptology
Before invention of modern science the way of communication and transfer of knowledge was oral. All Vedic literatures were transmitted orally. Later on the oral transmissions had some limitations thus documentation of the knowledge has been started and those hand written documents are called as Manuscripts. Ayurveda, being a Upaveda has an extensive history which is evident through the available documented classics. Though Ayurveda is said to be descended in a genealogy of preceptorstudent system orally, there are definite references of documented texts in the name of the preceptors as the title of the text. These manuscripts are written on various surfaces and with various writing materials. The science which deals with the detail study of these manuscripts is known as Manuscriptology. These are the rich sources of cultural and scientific knowledge thus it is and need of hour to preserve it.
Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972, available from
Jilby John, Akhilesh Shukla, Leena Nair, Jayashankar Mund, Vishwanath Nambootari, Basics of Manuscriptology. Unique Journal of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicine. Jan-Feb 2016.ISSN 2347-2375.
Dr. Nikam Pallavi Dattaray, Literary Research The Intence Need of Time, Journal of Ayurveda Research AYUSHYA Vol.3-Issue vi, 2014, Pg.No.17-18
Dr. G. G. Gangadharan, Dr. Geetha Anand (editors), Handbook of Medical Manuscriptology, Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), Bangalore, 2010, 1st ed, Tech prints, Mysore