Appraisal of Kloma in the light of Pāli literature
Kloma is one of the controversial subject in Ayurveda. There are numerous points in Sharir Rachana (Aanatomy) which is in darken area and not explained till date. The ambiguity in some topics is due to their scattered and less descriptions. Kloma is explained as an internal organ. It is told as one of the place of Kapha. A difference of opinions is found in Ayurvedic content with respect to the Kloma. A few organs which are generally considered in context of Kloma are Pittashaya (gall bladder), Agnayashaya (Pancreas), Yakrit (Liver) and Dakshin Phuphusa (Right lung).[1] As per Pali literature Kloma is written as Kilomaka. It is the covering of the flesh, which is of two kinds, namely, the concealed (Patichanna) and the unconcealed (Appatichanna). Numerous creators and research scholars take a shot at subjects identified with Kloma. Yet the ambiguity about Kloma isn't resolved. We have tried to compile all the explanations pertaining to controversial organ Kloma in an objective manner and establish its relevancy by interpreting various classical text and Pāli literature in this paper.
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