Critical review on the concept of Ashayapakarsha and its application
Doshas are the basic humours of the body. Their Sthana, Gati, Karma influences the stability of the body. Any imbalance in the Doshas set a pathway to form a disease. As Ayurveda stands on KaryaKarana Siddhanta, Nidanas play a significant role in the manifestation of diseases. Ashayapakarsha Hetu is a distinctive type which is classified under Dosha Bheda Hetu. As Avarana, Ama have the special consideration in the manifestation of disease in the same way Ashayapakarsha Hetu involves the unique type of aetiopathogenesis which seeks the special attention in the path of diagnosis as symptoms obscure the actual pathology which may mislead the physician. So effort is made to understand the concept with its application.
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