Management of Avascular necrosis of the hip joint with Mustadi Upanah : Single case study
Avascular necrosis is a disease in which cellular death of bone component occurs due to interruption of the blood supply. Necrosis occurs due to arterial occlusion and lack or insufficient blood supply, the bone tissue dies and there occurs collapsing of that bony segment. The disease generally happens in 35 to 45 years. This case deals with a diagnosed case of avascular necrosis or osteonecrosis of the right femoral head in a 71 years old female. Patient has been suffering from pain in the both hip joints since 6 years. She had undergone conservative treatment for her complaints but symptoms aggravated rapidly since 7 months. So for the management she came to Out Patient Department of Panchakarma, Rishikul Campus where three sittings of local application of Mustadi Upanaha on bilateral Hip joints was done. After three sittings, she got significant relief in joint pain and her quality of life. Also day to day activities were markedly improved. The assessment was done based on both subjective as well as objective parameters after each sitting. Mustadi Upanaha provides a significant relief in the symptoms in this case.
Charak Samhita, Vidyotani Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shashtri, seventh edition, Chikitsa Sthan, Chapter 28, Verse No. 33, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, 2002. Page 782.
Charak Samhita, Vidyotani Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shashtri, seventh edition, Chikitsa Sthan, Chapter 28, Verse No.112, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, 2002. Page 798.
Charak Samhita, Vidyotani Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shashtri, seventh edition, Sutra Sthan, Chapter 14, Verse No.64, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, 2002. Page 299
Charak Samhita, Vidyotani Hindi commentary by Kashinath Shashtri, seventh edition, Sutra Sthan, Chapter 14, Verse No.39-40, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, 2002. Page 289