A study of the combined effect of Nasya Karma and Yoga techniques in Manyasthambha w.s.r. to Cervical Spondylosis
In today’s modern competitive world, people are oriented towards white collar jobs, use of computer and thus prone more to develop Manyasthambha which is an emerging morbidity in society. Manyasthambha is one of the Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi with symptoms such as pain and stiffness is pacified through Vata Kapha management. It can be correlated to cervical spondylosis which is commonly seen in middle and elderly population. About 85% of males and 60-70% of the females shows degenerative changes leading to cervical spondylosis. Anti inflammatory, Analgesic is the drugs of choice in contemporary system of medicine. But all the analgesic is liable to cause many side effects particularly by repeated and prolonged usage. Ayurveda the age-old Indian system of medicine advocates a reliable management of Manyasthambha. Nasya is believed to have a note worthy role in relieving pain and stiffness within the cardinal feature of Manyasthambha. Yogasanas also help in relieving neck pain and stiffness around spine and strengthens, increases flexibility of the spine and para-spinal muscles. It increases blood circulation and reduces compression in nerve. Therefore, this study has been undertaken as an attempt to help the patients suffering from Manyasthambha in our society and also to evaluate the efficacy of these treatment modalities.
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