Pratyaksha Badhakara Bhava - The Intention behind invention
The Pramanas are the tool to achieve the Prama. i.e. Yathartha Jnana. Among 4 Pramanas mentioned by Acharyas, Aptopadesha Jnana is the first and foremost important Pramana followed by Pratyksha.[1] Acharya Sushruta opines the Jnana Vruddhi takes place when the Pratyaksha and Aptopadeshajnana goes hand in hand.[2] Pratyaksha Jnana is most valuable than any other Pramanajanya Jnana. There are certain factors where the Pratyaksha Jnana is not perceived properly named as Pratyaksha Badhakara Bhavas.[3] Understanding of these factors to avoid any fault in clinical practice is essential task. Rectification of these factors with the support of technology while in treatment is discussed further in this article.
Vaidya Yadavji Trikam Ji Acharya And Narayanaram Acharya Kavyatirtha ( Editor) Commentary Nibandha Sangraha Of Shree Dalhanacharya On Sushruta Samhita; Shareera Sthana; 5th chapter; Verse No- 48;Varanasi; Choukambha Surbharathi Prakashana; Reprint 2017.
Acharya Yadavji Trikam Ji (Editor) Commentary Ayurveda Deepika Of Shri Chkrapanidatta On Charaka Samhita Of Agnivesha; Sutra Sthana; Tisraishaneeya Adhyaya; Verse No-8; Varanasi; Choukamba Samskrita Samsthana; Reprint 2017;Pg.No-69
Acharya Yadavji Trikam Ji (Editor) Commentary Ayurveda Deepika Of Shri Chkrapanidatta On Charaka Samhita Of Agnivesha; Vimana Sthana; Tisraishaneeya Adhyaya; Verse No-37; Varanasi; Choukamba Samskrita Samsthana; Reprint 2017;Pg.No-268
Acharya Yadavji Trikam Ji (Editor) Commentary Ayurveda Deepika Of Shri Chkrapanidatta On Charaka Samhita Of Agnivesha; Sutra Sthana; Tisraishaneeya Adhyaya; Verse No-17; Varanasi; Choukamba Samskrita Samsthana; Reprint 2017;Pg.No-70
Acharya Yadavji Trikam Ji (Editor) Commentary Ayurveda Deepika Of Shri Chkrapanidatta On Charaka Samhita Of Agnivesha; Sutra Sthana; Tisraishaneeya Adhyaya; Verse No-20 ; Varanasi; Choukamba Samskrita Samsthana; Reprint 2017;Pg.No-71
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