Concept of Pandu Roga in context with Dhatu and Sara
The tissue systems of the body, in the Ayurveda view consist of seven kind of basic tissues or SaptaDhatus. Dhatus (bodily tissue) are what their nutrition makes them and, on these depend the normal states of functioning of the body. Saptadhatus are produced in a kind of progressive evolutionary metamorphosis, beginning with Rasa Dhatu (primary product of digested food) followed by Rakta (blood tissue), Mamsa (muscle tissue), Meda (fat tissue), Asthi (bone tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and ending with Sukra Dhatu (reproductive fluids), the previous Dhatu nourishes the next higher, They act as the substratum for each other. The continuously depleting Dhatus are maintained in the state of equilibrium by the food. This implies that the Dhatus are interdependent on each other as the increase or decrease in one shall lead to the increase or decrease in the other. In the case of Pandu, the Rakta-Kshaya (reduction) is due to the diminution of the Rasa by the increased Pitta (Dosha responsible for maintaining metabolic activities) or the failure of the Rasa Dhatu to produce the Rakta Poshaka part, i.e. the part of Rasa which nourishes the Rakta Dhatu. Reduction in Rasa, Rakta cause diminution of progressive Dhatus, quality (Sara) and quantity (Dhatu Kshaya) wise, making an individual Nihsara (insipid) and Alpa (lessened) in Rakta and Medadi Dhatus. So, the main objective of the study is to appraise and explore the status of Dhatu and Sara in Pandu Roga.
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