A literary review on Vata Rakta
Vatarakta is one of the unique disorders among Vatavyadhi compared to other Vatavyadhis. In this illness, Vata and Rakta are afflicted by distinct etiological factors. There are 2 types of Vatarakta i.e. Uttanvatarakta and Gambhirvatarakta. Uttanvatarakta produces symptoms like itching, burning sensation pain blackish discolour skin. Gambhirvatarakta produces symptoms like swelling, hardness, tenderness, burning sensation, pain. Sometimes numbness is also present. It also produces deformities like bending of fingers. Sushruta has mentioned it in Vata Vyadhi chapter while Charaka dedicated a separate chapter for Vata Rakta. Vatarakta is a burning problem of the society. This may compromise the quality life of patients due to permanent inflammatory and degenerative changes in the joints.
Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, Nidanasthanam vatavyadhi nidana 1/43-44. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Aacharya and Naryana Ram Acharya, edition 2nd, Varanasi. Chaukhamba surbharti prakashana, 2012.
Caraka, Caraka Samhita, Chikitsasthanam vatashonitha chikitsa 21/11. Vaidya Sri Satya Narayana shastry reprint: Varanasi. Chaukhamba bharati academy, 1998.
Caraka, Caraka Samhita, Chikitsasthanam, vatashonithachikitsa 21/19. Vaidya Sri Satya Narayana shastry rep rint: Varanasi. Chaukhamba bharati academy, 1998.
Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, Nidanasthanamvatavyadhi nidana 1/47. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Aacharya and Naryana Ram Acharya, edition 2nd, Varanasi. Chaukhamba surbharti prakashana, 2012.
Shukla S V, Vaidya, Kayachikitsa, part 2, Rakthavaha Vyadhi’s 7/5. edition 1st Varanasi. Chaukhamba orientalia, 2012; 676
Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, Chikitsasthanam Mahavatavyadhichikitsa 5/14-15. Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Aacharya and Naryana Ram Acharya, edition 2nd, Varanasi. Chaukhamba surbharti prakashana, 2012.
Agnivesa, Charaka samhita with Ayurveda deepika teeka, Chaukhamba Sanskrit samsthan, Varanasi, 2000; 29
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