Sarjarasa Agnikarma in the pain management in Gridhrasi - A Case Study
Pain is the chief cause of visiting a doctor in most patients. Vata is responsible for all painful conditions in the body. Gridhrasi is one among Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi affecting the locomotor system in which pain is major symptom. The name itself indicates the way of gait shown by the patient due to extreme pain just like a Gridhrasi (Vulture). In Gridhrasi intense shooting pain start from Sphik Pradesha and radiates downwards to Kati, Prusta, Uru, Janu, Jangha and Pada in which the patient is unable to walk properly. On the basis of symptoms of Gridhrasi; it can be equated with the disease sciatica in modern science. It occurs due to spinal nerve irritation and is characterized by pain in distribution of sciatic nerve. Statistically it is estimated that low back pain and radiating pain due to lumbar disc prolapse are major cause of morbidity throughout the world. In Ayurveda, various methods used in treatment of Gridhrasi are Bheshaja , Snehana, Swedana, Siravedha, Agnikarma and Basti. Among these, Agnikarma is one of the para-surgical procedures which is very effective, simple, safe, and cost effective and having quick action. In current study a humble attempt is made to evaluate the role of Sarjarasa and as Dahanopakarana in the pain management in Gridhrasi w.s.r to sciatica. The study includes a case study of 29 year old female patient who insidiously developed pain in the low back region radiating to right leg. Agnikarma with Sarjarasa was performed for 4 sittings and assessment was done with subjective and objective parameters. After the treatment patient noticed relief from pain and stiffness and Gait improved considerably. Agnikarma with Sarjarasa is easy to perform, cost effective and patient friendly.
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